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Vampires Don’t Wear Polka Dots (the Bailey School Kids #1)


Vampires Don’t Wear Polka Dots (the Bailey School Kids #1) 헌책

  • 저자 Dadey, Debbie
  • 출판사 Scholastic
  • 발행년월 1997-03-01
  • ISBN 9780590434119
  • 서점명 글벗서점 1
  • 판매가 2,000원

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도서 정보

The kids in the third grade at Bailey Elementary are so hard to handle that all of their teachers have quit. But their new teacher, Mrs. Jeepers, is different to say the least. She`s just moved from the Transylvanian Alps and she seems to have some strange powers that help her deal with these mischief-makers. Her methods may be a little unconventional, but, then again, Mrs. Jeepers may be just what the Bailey School kids need

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